Hi all! I’m new to this so I hope this works and accepts comments.
Our family was blessed with baby Johnny at the beginning of April (No foolin’ here!). We were at a shelter to see some dogs and ended out finding beautiful baby Johnny. He has four legs, but his front paw (this is what the shelter has said) during birth, had the umbilical cord wrapped around it, causing stunted growth. The shelter said it doesn’t hurt him and it shouldn’t be a problem. He was eight weeks then. So now he is about 10 weeks but we’ve noticed him slipping a little bit more, and some sores forming but he doesn’t seem to be hurting. For example, paws usually are flat and points outward, but his one paw is usually straight, or it bends inwards when he walks causing him to sometimes slip.
I’ve researched putting boots on him or a sock and we haven’t been to the vet yet. We tried to put the boot on him, but he keeps biting at it and tearing it up. I wanted to see if anyone had any other suggestions, or comments to handle this in the mean time, or if anyone had any inputs that will help me to be ready if they suggest amputation (hoping this does not happen), or any tips for this sort of situation. I appreciate any comments or help! Other than the minor paw thing, he is a HAPPY and HEALTHY and PLAYFUL puppy!
Also- any ideas on breed type? We are starting to think he is a “reagle.”
Thanks in advance from Johnny and the fam!